Visit Tech Alliance
What a weekend! So, with a new Government forming, it looks like we may have a Minister. And go the ABs – one of the best games of rugby I’ve viewed!
Meanwhile, across the NZTech Group our momentum continues to build as more parts of the economy recognise how important technology is for Aotearoa New Zealand’s future.
Agritech currently contributes between $2-3 billion to the New Zealand economy and has the potential to contribute $8 billion by 2030. This afternoon AgriTechNZ is hosting an industry workshop with leaders from across the sector to identify new initiatives and prioritise additional areas that will enable the growth and impact of the agritech industry and inform the Agritech Industry Transformation Plan (ITP). I am looking forward to attending this session and sharing some of the climate tech insights relevant to the agri sector.
The fintech sector also has a huge role to play in enabling emissions reduction and a more equitable New Zealand, but this relies on trust and transparency. FinTechNZ are currently gathering input for a study on trust and transparency in financial services in Aotearoa. Please share your views this week and take the FinTech Pulsecheck Survey by Thursday.
Ngā mihi
Graeme Muller
Read full news here: NZTech Inform: Politics and rugby!