Visit Tech Alliance
The not-for-profit, New Zealand IoT Alliance, is calling for any future Government to ensure they focus on supporting accelerating IoT uptake and innovation for the benefit of New Zealand.
In their recently released manifesto, the New Zealand IoT ecosystem seeks to remind Government of the importance of connecting data, devices and people to seize opportunities for economic growth.
“We’ve seen a lot of progress in AI innovation this year, but IoT sensors and devices provide that rich data making AI truly groundbreaking. From sensors to real-time video, IoT is adding depth to AI’s capabilities that touches almost every industry,”
says IoT Alliance Executive Director Alison Mackie.
“To further promote innovation, we need to link our university talent with the tech industry. It’s vital for preparing the next-gen workforce as well as upskilling current employees to navigate the potential of AIoT.
“Clear data sovereignty guidelines are a must. They’ll build trust and ensure the data abstracted and analysis benefits all, from individuals, wider communities, and Maori.”
“Our manifesto outlines three key areas to enable such an environment – education, safety, and sustainability.”
The manifesto calls for increased focus on supporting the use of IoT in various industries, such as agriculture, industrial manufacturing, city infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, retail, and smart personal devices.
The Internet of Things Alliance’s (IoT Alliance) key purpose is to actively contribute to the prosperity of New Zealand through accelerating the uptake of IoT. They aim to accelerate IoT innovation by promoting collaboration across industry and government. IoT Alliance Is part of NZTech.