Visit Tech Alliance
Firstly, welcome to new InsurTechNZ members Deloitte and RedBook New Zealand.
Members tell us that attracting talent is a priority, so we are delighted to have the opportunity to tackle this topic at our next Connect event, on 18th August.
Join us at Fidelity Life’s offices to hear perspectives from insurance and other industries, both here and overseas. Register here.
July’s Connect event, hosted by Open, explored the current status and future opportunities for connecting the insurance value chain. We heard about how heightened consumer expectations are driving brands’ focus on data and connections, to the point that APIs are now a regular feature in conversations with business leaders. To hear the panel’s comments again, find the recording on our website here.
With international InsurTech conferences like ITC in Las Vegas now back on the agenda, we want to hear about your plans. If your company plans to attend major events, let us know. Kiwi InsurTechs can strengthen their ability to show up in an impactful way in overseas markets by using NZ Tech Story’s free marketing resources.
Always feel free to send any feedback or thoughts about our community to info@insurtechnz.org.nz
Kind regards
Blair Turnbull, co-chair and Dale Smith, co-chair