Visit Tech Alliance
2023 has been an interesting year for everyone, however, just like the biotech sector has done since the beginning of time, we just keep going and keep delivering. Well done to our members who have raised capital in this tight environment, trained and recruited new staff, launched new products, and continued to grow their businesses within New Zealand and offshore.
The focus for BioTechNZ in 2024 is to support the new Government to ensure they have the right information for Ministers/Ministries to make robust decisions and regulations that are fit for purpose. In the published party agreements:
We had a very successful year for our members, creating a healthy, clean and prosperous New Zealand. Our inaugural Life Sciences Summit 2023 – biotech for a better tomorrow was highly successful. Two days, 397 Summit attendees, 42 sessions, 26 exhibitors, 63 speakers, 30 sponsors, 177 dinner attendees, and 89 percent of attendees viewed the event as a key forum for the growth of the sector. BIOTECH 2023 IN NUMBERS
I hope you enjoyed our 2023 events. Please note that next year we will be showing our appreciation to our loyal members by holding a number of member only events, events free for members, and showcasing our members where we can (newsletters, conference, media, and government engagements). BioTechNZ has created scale and credibility, and the more members we have the greater the impact we will have when we are wanting change at a government or policy level.
Our team is now 100 percent focused on the delivery of the Life Sciences Summit 2024: 11-12 March. We have a great lineup of speakers and content, and this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our New Zealand life sciences sector, highlighting the requirements to create a high growth economy.
We will continue holding our events across the regions in 2024, however we are keen to deliver workshops around specific areas of interest in partnership with our members. If there is anything in particular you would like us to run e.g. IP, raising Capital and if you are keen to support please contact us.
We will be pushing out media releases again and are happy for content ideas to come into our inbox.
It is time to update our AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND BOOSTED BY BIOTECH – Innovating for a Sustainable Future. If there are companies keen to sponsor this biotech sector report again, we would like to hear from you.
Government relations will be a key area for BioTechNZ, with both meetings with Ministers and Ministries, and we would like to hold a members only CEO breakfast with key Ministers mid next year.
BIO USA has sold out of booths in their exhibition area so we will be working closely with BIO on how New Zealand can be showcased within the other activities going on during the conference.
Australia-New Zealand, BiotechNZ is currently working on what initiatives we can do next year with our sister organisations.
Bring on 2024! However, first let’s all have a safe and relaxing holiday, doing the things that fill your cup with happiness so you can come back refreshed and energised. I need all of your help to move the dial when it comes to biotechnology being recognised and supported as a key technology to enable us to deliver the solutions required for New Zealanders.
Please keep an eye out for our new members, without all of you we could not achieve the work we do for the sector.
Read more here: Holiday greetings!