Visit Tech Alliance
WhereScape have achieved huge expansion success into USA, Europe and Asia, gaining many brand name customers along the way such as Tesco, CostCo, HSBC to name a few. The ultimate accolade to this achievement was WhereScape winning the Judge’s Supreme Award for International Business at the 2016 New Zealand International Business Awards.
To give you some insight on this amazing success, Michael Whitehead, the co-founder and former CEO of WhereScape, will be joining us on Tuesday 12th March to share how he manages to run marathons in his spare time whilst tackling the marathon of a growing tech business.
Please join us for what promises to be an entertaining and insightful evening!
The NZSA is a great opportunity to help advance your business through meeting and networking with Auckland’s software community leaders. Plus, each event includes wine tasting and a two-course meal.