Visit Tech Alliance
TIN in collaboration with Hamilton City Council are delighted to invite you to join us in Hamilton for the opportunity to meet, face-to-face, with some of the agritech sector’s leading players and to discuss the key findings from the TIN Agritech Insights Report 2022.
The report, commissioned by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry for Primary Industries, celebrates the success and growth of this dynamic technology sector that plays to all the strengths of New Zealand’s historical reliance on our farmers, horticulturalists, aquaculturalists and apiarists.
Agritech continues to be one of the biggest and most innovative sectors in the TIN200, New Zealand’s 200 largest technology ‘exporters’ with our 2021 TIN report highlighting it as a $1.6B sector, dominated by the Animal & Crop Health, Data Solutions and Post-Harvest sub-sectors, and as providing 11.4% of the TIN200 total revenue.
The in-person launch of the report will gather together a panel of established and fast-growing agritech company leaders who will share insights into their companies’ growth and the challenges faced in today’s dynamic markets.