Visit Tech Alliance
The theme for this months CanterburyTech event is the Amazing World of Robotics and Automation! We are excited to have two fantastic speakers lined up. We will run the two speakers consecutively, with some Q&A and we’ll use Zoom breakout rooms at the END of the two sessions for those who choose to participate. There will be named/themed zoom rooms and participants will be able to choose which to join, or to leave the meeting instead.
Hosted by Canterbury Tech’s Neil Hamilton and EPIC Podcast host Andy Poulsen, this event is an excellent opportunity to get together safely in Alert Levels.
BYO your favourite beverage and some nibbles and join us online!
5.00pm – Welcome and updates
5.10pm – Speaker One – James Robertson
5.25pm – Q&A
5.30pm – Speaker Two – Ricky Tiong
5.45pm – Q&A
5:55pm – Networking breakout session for those that choose to participate
6:15pm – Close of event
James Robertson – Head of Product Development, NZ Manager at Invert Robotics
James Robertson is a Mechatronics Engineer who, after completing his degree at UC, founded Invert Robotics to make industrial inspections safer. Now the Head of Product Development at Invert, he is excited to share what is possible and discuss future opportunities.
Topic: Remote Inspection of Industrial Structures
James will discuss the state of the art in remote inspection technology and demonstration of a climbing crawler system performing an inspection.
Ricky Tiong – Territory Manager for New Zealand, at Wyma
Wyma Solutions is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of post-harvest vegetable and fruit automated handling equipment. They are one of the most successful and innovative, yet low profile, local engineering/tech companies – headquartered in Christchurch and with offices in Australia, the UK and the Czech Republic.
They are current 2021 finalists in the NZ International Business Awards and Westpac Champion Business Awards.