Visit Tech Alliance
To mark the opening of entries to the 2020 H-Tech Awards we are holding three special launch events – And you are invited to join us! Just by attending you will go in the draw to win two FREE tickets to the 2020 Hi-Tech Awards Gala Dinner, 22 May.
This year at each of our launch events we are planning on holding a special “fireside” chat with two of our esteemed Flying Kiwis and one of our Young Achievers. We always learn best from those that have personally been there and done it; and are equally inspired by those starting out on their journey.
As well as this awesome facilitated session we will tell you what’s new for the 2020 Awards, key dates and dish out some hot tips and tricks on writing those killer entries.
We would love for you to join us at one of our events. Numbers are strictly limited to these special events so register early to ensure your place. We’re all about supporting what’s happening in tech up and down the country – so come along and find out more about entering. It’s also a great opportunity to network with your colleagues in the industry.
For more information on these events or the 2020 NZ Hi-Tech Awards go to www.hitech.org.nz email info@hitech.org.nz or call 09 984 4140.