Visit Tech Alliance
MobileTECH Ag is the only event of its type to bring together the technology leaders from right across the agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors under one platform.
Theme for 2021: Smart Data Innovations
The key message from the last couple of years has been the need to better understand and utilise operational data to make smarter business decisions. New digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, The Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and robotics, are continuing to drive massive change within New Zealand’s primary production sector.
Key initiatives, through organisations like AgritechNZ and Callaghan Innovation, are building significant Government and international support to further capitalise and develop technologies in this sector. It is an exciting time. It is also an important opportunity to create real solutions and improve productivity within the food and fibre sector.
Key Technologies covered:
Mobile technologies ⋅ Artificial Intelligence ⋅ Machine learning ⋅ Internet of Things ⋅ Augmented & virtual reality ⋅ Blockchain ⋅ Cloud computing ⋅ Automation ⋅ Sensors ⋅ Platforms ⋅ Connectivity ⋅ Big data ⋅ Robotics ⋅ Satellite mapping ⋅ Remote assistance ⋅ Data ownership ⋅ Apps and more.
This event will be LIVE + Virtual Online for 2021