Nothing beats a good old face-to-face chinwag – join us for Biotech & Beer Happy Hour.
We look forward to seeing you at our face-to-face biotech and beers. This is not a sponsored event (food and drink are at the individual cost), this is an informal way to keep in touch. Roll up your sleeves and unwind at this casual networking event where biotech members can mix and mingle, make connections and enjoy stimulating conversation.
Registration Options:
This event is held on the 21st of July at 5.30pm – 6.30pm.
Select which region you wish to register for:
Dunedin Biotech & Beers The Dunedin meetup is having a break this month, but this highly successful networking event will return soon. Keep an eye out for upcoming registrations.
Auckland Biotech & Beers
- Date: 21 July
- Time: 5:00pm (note earlier time)
- Location: Pacific Channel, Level 18, QBE Centre, 125 Queen Street, Auckland
Register here
A BIG shout out and thank you to
Pacific Channel for being our host.