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Following on from our first, and successful, crop bioprotectants event in 2021, BioTechNZ is pleased to bring you the second event in this series: “Accelerating Bioprotectant Development from New Zealand”. We take one step forward in this Connect event and look at how public research and private sectors can collaborate to bring new crop bioprotectant products – developed in New Zealand – to both local and global markets.
In this interactive meeting, participants will learn how engagement with commercial partners, research institutions and regulatory bodies can facilitate and accelerate this process, and how the public sector R&D institutions (CRIs and universities) can further support this rapidly growing industry.
Headlining the list of speakers will be Ms Barbara Kuriger – from a farming background, a member of Parliament’s Primary Production Select Committee and National’s spokesperson for agriculture, biosecurity and food safety. Break-out groups will inform new approaches to public-private partnerships, where New Zealand should sit in the global product development marketplace, technology transfer initiatives, and regulatory reform to develop new and successful bioprotectants from New Zealand.
Join us in person at this free BioTechNZ Connect event to learn how New Zealand organisations can accelerate bioprotectant development.
Note that this event follows on from the AGCARM conference the previous day in Wellington.